Laura Inghirami (moderator), Lucas Hage, Tess Sikias, Lucie de Boer, Blue Arnold, Sofia Mantegazza and Maria Vittoria Villa. Laura Inghirami, opinion leader and Founder Donna Jewel, would organize in collaboration with GemGenève “The young and the goldsmith’s art” panel, where she would interview young students and alumni of professional schools in the jewelry goldsmith sector about their …
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Jean-Bernard Forot (modérateur), Stéphanie Sivrière, Nelly Saunier et Jacques Cuisin L’émotion de la couleur réunit l’art de la plume et de la joaillerie. Jacques Cuisin, Nelly Saunier, Stéphanie Sivrière, Jean Bernard Forot explorent le registre de la couleur dans l’univers de l’ornithologie, dans l’art de la plume et son importance dans la création joaillière. Dans …
Read more “Plume et Joaillerie, l’enchantement de la couleur”
Violaine Bigot, Laurent Cartier and Kathia Pinckernelle This conversation will delve into the rich history of pearls, tracing their allure and significance back to antiquity. From ancient civilizations to modern-day luxury, this discussion will unveil the timeless fascination with pearls and the enduring appeal to imitate and cultivate them. Discover how pearls have been treasured …
Read more “Pearls of Truth: A conversation about pearl history, meaning and testing since antiquity”
David Brough (moderator), Laura Inghirami, Renu Choudhary, Bebe Bakhshi and Katerina Perez This panel, comprising well-known digital creators, will look at how social media marketing will likely evolve in the global jewellery and gemstone industry, encompassing Instagram, TikTok and other channels. What new channels are emerging? Does Threads have a big future in jewellery marketing? …
Read more “Future of social media marketing of jewellery”
Association Gemmologie & FrancophonieChloé Picard et Martial Bonnet (modérateurs), Marie Chabrol et Céline-Rose David Acheter un bijou ancien, c’est – souvent – acheter un bout d’histoire et parfois même un fragment de la grande Histoire. Valeur sentimentale, valeur historique et valeur financière sont souvent accolées à la notion d’ancienneté. Et pourtant, les matières qui les …
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Gislain Aucremanne A symbol of rebirth and transformation, the snake motif has crossed civilizations and legends of all eras. Since time immemorial, this creature has fascinated the human imagination with its ability to renew itself by changing its skin, to remain in contact with the earth and at the same time to rise from it, …
Read more “Serpents in jewelry, precious and sinuous symbols”
Amanda Triossi (moderator), Dominik Biehler, Lindsey Miller and Celeste Wu This conversation will provide a unique opportunity for Gem Genève exhibitors to share with the audience their most favorite jewel from the 1940s and explain the reasons of their particular choice. What will become apparent is how behind each great jewel there is a great …
Read more “My favorite Jewel of the 1940s at GemGenève”
Andrea Machalova (modératrice), Laurent Cartier, Daniel Nyfeler et Laura Tocmacov Depuis quelques mois, on ne parle que d’elle: IA. Et pour cause, l’intelligence artificielle est sur le point de modifier en profondeur nos processus, les rendant plus rapides et autonomes. Quels risques et opportunités présente cette innovation pour le marché des pierres précieuses? Cette table …
Read more “Comment l’intelligence artificielle disrupte l’analyse de pierres précieuses. Entre limites et opportunités”
Since ancient times, pearls have been the perfect companion for extraordinary jewellery creations. They have played important roles in the international jewellery universe, with their ups and down.Today, pearls are back with a new creative flair but at the same time they face important challenges related to their farming and the whole attention to water …
Read more “Pearls: Challenges and New Creative Scenarios”
Arrivé à la tête de Chaumet en 2014, Jean-Marc Mansvelt œuvre pour faire rayonner le joaillier parisien dans le monde. Un important travail de communication a été entrepris sur l’histoire de la maison, dont la fondation remonte à 1780. Chaumet possède en effet l’un des plus importants fonds patrimonial au monde : 66 000 dessins, …
Read more “Les Grands Entretiens : Gabrielle de Montmorin x Jean-Marc Mansvelt”
Journalist, Richa Goyal Sikri explores the complex fabric of India’s love affair with jewels, it’s 5,000 year-old history, notable periods, differences within the Indian subcontinent, and how India has influenced jewellery styles beyond it’s shores. The second part of Richa’s presentation will de-mystify the ancient polki-kundan technique of jewellery craftsmanship involving the setting of wafer-thin …
Read more “Indian jewellery culture: special focus on Polki-Kundan jewellery”