Depuis la nuit des temps, l’homme voue aux gemmes une valeur symbolique représentative du pouvoir, de la protection, de l’expression des sentiments. Associées au bijou et au portrait, elles ont une signification qui va bien au-delà de l’art du paraître. L’orfèvre connaît le langage des pierres que le peintre décline de façon symbolique ou conventionnelle. …
Read more “Bijoux, l’orfèvre et le peintre”
‘Sapphire’ will take you on a journey of the gem, from antiquity to the present day. We delve into the unexplained talismanic powers bestowed on sapphire during the Middle Ages while being treated with caution in other parts of the world. Sapphire was often the stone of choice for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and …
Read more “Sapphire, A Celebration of Colour”
Katerina Perez will converse with Donatella Zappieri about the evolution of jewellery in terms of communication, design, sales and marketing within the last 10 years. We will also dwell on what the future of jewellery looks like.
This presentation explores the fantastic world of semi-precious stones and their use in pictorial mosaics, a rare and sophisticated art that exploits the natural chromatic qualities of hardstones to create what really is a painting in stone.In the Florentine late Renaissance, lapidaries at the Granducal court of the Medici family were fascinated by the infinite …
Read more “Royal Magnificience. Florentine pietra dura mosaics: Jewellery, Objects of Vertu, Works of Art”
This new educational-promotional session at GemGenève will provide a unique opportunity for exhibitors to share with the audience their most favorite Art Deco jewel and explain the reasons of their particular choice. What will become apparent is how behind each great jewel there is always a great expert with an exceptional eye. Amanda Triossi will …
Read more “My favorite Art Deco Jewel at GemGenève “
An excursus with some of the key protagonists of vintage and antique jewelry industry with the aim to better focus on what is next and what is changing in the overall business model. Through the panelists’ testimonies, we will discover in which way vintage and antique jewelry is playing a strong role in the industry …
Read more “Vintage & Antique Jewelry: Among past and modernity”
Le sujet de la table ronde gravite autour de l’approvisionnement des matières gemmes. Comment trouve t’on nos gemmes? À travers quels critères se prennent les décisions d’achat ? Marketing, éthique, communication, voici des notions que vous retrouverez durant cette rencontre.
Couvrant une période de 4000 ans, Anna présentera des solutions de fermoirs mettant en parallèle des fermoirs anciens et contemporains. Une étude spécifique mettra en lumière les recherches ayant abouti à la découverte de l’origine de la boite-cliquet – révélée pour le première fois. Une seconde étude mettra l’accent sur les fermoirs d’Europe du Nord et …
Read more “Le fermoir en bijouterie, 4’000 ans d’histoires”
In this talk, jewellery historian Vivienne Becker celebrates the extraordinary work of renowned artist, sculptor, poet-goldsmith, Daniel Brush, who died late last year. Charting the course of his career that spanned more than 50 years, she explains the philosophy, thought-provoking ideas and obsessive preoccupations that stimulated his febrile imagination and drove the awe-inspiring techniques that …
Read more “Daniel Brush – An Edifying Journey”