Opals Through Time: A Journey from Ancient Myths to Modern Science

This panel discussion will offer a dual perspective on opals’ evolution. Kathia Pinckernelle will focus on historical aspects and the use of opals in jewellery, tracing opal’s cultural significance through time. Dr. Boris Chauviré will delve into scientific understanding, discussing past and present discoveries about opal formation and properties. This interdisciplinary approach will shed light …

Pearls of Truth: A conversation about pearl history, meaning and testing since antiquity

Violaine Bigot, Laurent Cartier and Kathia Pinckernelle This conversation will delve into the rich history of pearls, tracing their allure and significance back to antiquity. From ancient civilizations to modern-day luxury, this discussion will unveil the timeless fascination with pearls and the enduring appeal to imitate and cultivate them. Discover how pearls have been treasured …

Comment l’intelligence artificielle disrupte l’analyse de pierres précieuses. Entre limites et opportunités

Andrea Machalova (modératrice), Laurent Cartier, Daniel Nyfeler et Laura Tocmacov Depuis quelques mois, on ne parle que d’elle: IA. Et pour cause, l’intelligence artificielle est sur le point de modifier en profondeur nos processus, les rendant plus rapides et autonomes. Quels risques et opportunités présente cette innovation pour le marché des pierres précieuses? Cette table …