The Art Media Agency (AMA) Professional Newsletter is a publication available in French and English. With approximately 40 pages and more than 100 articles, it details all the news of the international art market. Page13 : GEMGENÈVE, THE FINEST IN THE WORLD JEWELLERYPage 23 : ‘THE SPIRIT OF GEMGENÈVE IS HOSPITALITY’
La Newsletter Professionnelle d’Art Media Agency (AMA) est une publication disponible en français et en anglais. Sur environ 40 pages et plus de 100 articles, elle détaille toute l’actualité du marché de l’art international. Page13 : GEMGENÈVE, LA FINE FLEUR DE LA JOAILLERIE MONDIALEPage 23 : ‘L’ESPRIT DE GEMGENÈVE, C’EST L’HOSPITALITÉ’
Les jeunes et les métiers de la joaillerie : Les parcours de formation face aux enjeux du secteur et aux demandes des entreprises
Jewellery has always been a way to express the deepest emotions, a bearer of values, meanings, and symbolism. It has always represented a connection with the interiority of the wearer. And what does jewellery mean today for Millennials and Generation Z? Starting from the needs of the younger generations let’s see some of the latest trends …
Read more “Jewellery across time: bringing joy and wonder”
When in 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter opened the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, he did not expect to discover over five thousand objects. This event, considered as the discovery of the century, had an impact in all the arts and especially in jewelry. While the precious ornaments of the young sovereign were studied by scientists, the …
Read more “1922 – 2022: The Treasures of Tutankhamun and his legacy in jewelry”
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert collection is one of the most comprehensive collections of micromosaics in the world. In fact, Arthur Gilbert coined the term ‘micromosaic’ himself and supported the pioneering publications and exhibitions on the subject. During this lecture, Alice Minter, Curator of the Rosalinde & Arthur Gilbert, will present some renowned highlights from …
Read more “From cracked paintings to micromosaics – The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Collection of micromosaics”
Cette discussion se déroulera entre Sophie Bärtschi, Conservatrice, responsable des collections des Site et Musée romains d’Avenches, et Alice Minter, Conservateur de la Collection Rosalinde & Arthur Gilbert au Victoria and Albert Museum de Londres, et sera animée par Gislain Aucremanne (Historien du bijou). Bien que le terme « micro-mosaïque » soit aujourd’hui associé aux …
Read more “L’Art de la micro-mosaïque, origines, inspirations et techniques”
Jewelry historian Vivienne Becker and Helen Molesworth, The Dr Geneviève Davies, Senior Curator of Jewellery, Victoria & Albert Museum, London Together Vivienne Becker and Helen Molesworth discuss the role of the Museum Collection, as both education and inspiration, in our jewellery world today. They will talk about the relevance of jewellery history to contemporary design, …
Read more “Collecting Antique Jewellery”
‘Dans le domaine de l’art, les experts mènent le bal…. Ont-ils vraiment tous les pouvoirs ?’Etienne Dumont, Bilan, novembre 2013 Le marché de l’art est un domaine très complexe, car l’histoire de l’art évolue sans cesse, des comités, experts, spécialistes se consacrent à des artistes en particulier et font autorité tandis que les avis des …
Read more “L’Expertise ! Entre authentification et estimation.”
Speakers: l’Association Gemmologie & Francophonie sur les enjeux de la dénomination des pierres précieuses et aspects juridiques, avec Drew Battaglia (experte en joaillerie et gemmologue), Aurélien Delaunay (Commission Diamant et Commission Gemmologique CIBJO, Représentant à l’ISO pour la France), Emmanuel Fritsch (enseignant-chercheur à l’Institut des Matériaux Jean Roule, Nantes ; Membre de l’International Mineralogical Association), …
Read more “Entre science et commerce, ce que les noms des pierres disent de nous”
What Makes Exceptional Design, panel discussion moderated by Katerina Perez (influencer), with David Roux-Fouillet (Head of the Department of Product Design, Jewellery and Accessories, HEAD Geneva), Olivier Bachet (expert) and Vivienne Becker (jewellery historian, author).
A Grand tour around the XVIII and XIX century production, from the origins in Rome to the Napoleonic court and the archaeological revival. In the late XVIII century the ancient large-scale architectural mosaics were brought down, in Rome, from the churches ceilings to the decorative arts that enchanted the imperial Napoleonic court and the Grand …
Read more “Splendida et Minuta, Fashionable Roman Micromosaic Jewels”