Cabochon, Art & Craftsmanship

Within the history of the lapidary arts, the so-called “cabochon” cut is considered one of the oldest techniques of cutting gems. If faceted cuts emerged between the 14th-15th centuries, the cabochon was known over 4000 years before. Its name comes from the French “caboche”, which means “head”, due to the specific shape it offers the …

L’Art de la micro-mosaïque, origines, inspirations et techniques

Cette discussion se déroulera entre Sophie Bärtschi, Conservatrice, responsable des collections des Site et Musée romains d’Avenches, et Alice Minter, Conservateur de la Collection Rosalinde & Arthur Gilbert au Victoria and Albert Museum de Londres, et sera animée par Gislain Aucremanne (Historien du bijou). Bien que le terme « micro-mosaïque » soit aujourd’hui associé aux …

Understanding Art Deco Jewels

In 1925, the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts was held in Paris, welcoming 21 countries and 15,000 exhibitors. This major event revived luxury industries and established a style that would later be called “Art Deco”, in homage to this exhibition. If Paris was the place of development of this trend, its inspirations …