During this panel discussion, 5 jewellery experts come together to explore the emotional connection we have to jewellery and its effect on people. Speakers will unpack why we are so drawn to jewellery, and how it is cherished by societies across the globe throughout the centuries – even through the toughest times! If you are …

The Value in African Gems

As the flow of coloured gemstones from traditional deposits has reduced to a trickle, Africa has emerged as the primary source of gemstones feeding our voracious appetite for colour. However, when we look at the price of a precious gem with an Africa tag, it continues to be ranked below better known sources such as …

New Modernism – 1920s-2020s The Modernist Movement in Jewels

As we settle into the 2020s, 100 years after the original Modern Movement, there are signs of a new modernist approach to jewellery design; graphic compositions of form, line, colour and texture, often made possible by new high-tech materials and techniques. In this talk, jewellery historian Vivienne Becker, curator of the Designer Vivarium, traces the …

Enamel: the art of fire & colour

Qu’est-ce que l’émail ? Quand l’émail a-t-il été utilisé pour la première fois ? Comment a-t-il été utilisé à des fins décoratives depuis la Renaissance et les dynasties Ming et Qing ? La table ronde abordera les méthodes et les ingrédients utilisés pour créer les nuances de couleurs des émaux utilisés et les problèmes liés …

L’Art de la Glyptique

Si l’Homme a utilisé des pierres comme éléments de parure depuis la nuit des temps, il a aussi toujours essayé de les apprivoiser, de les dompter, de les posséder intimement. La gravure, la sculpture sur pierres est un acte fort pour laisser une empreinte, transmettre un message, maitriser une partie de la puissance de la …

The Glyptic Arts 

If Man has used stones as elements of adornment since the dawn of time, he has also always tried to tame and to possess them intimately. Engraving, stone carving is a strong act to leave an imprint, to transmit a message, to master part of the power of Nature. The glyptician exercises the art of …

Hidden human stories from Africa

In the last 100 years, the discovery of gemstones across the African continent have changed the course of the coloured gemstone industry. For the past two years, journalist and storyteller, Richa Goyal Sikri has been interviewing known and unknown figures in the industry and writing adventure stories based on their experiences and actual events. The …