Understanding Art Deco Jewels

In 1925, the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts was held in Paris, welcoming 21 countries and 15,000 exhibitors. This major event revived luxury industries and established a style that would later be called “Art Deco”, in homage to this exhibition. If Paris was the place of development of this trend, its inspirations …

Marina B

This talk will introduce Marina B striking jewels, undoubtedly among the most iconic designs of the 1980s designed by Marina Bulgari Spaccarelli – a member of the Bulgari family and one of the most outstanding 20th century female high jewellery designer. The genesis of Marina B designs, her innovations and her legacy will be explored …

Cipullo – Making Jewelry Modern

In this talk, jewelry historian Vivienne Becker tells the life story of Aldo Cipullo, most famous as the creator of the iconic Cartier Love bracelet and the Juste un Clou Nail. She explains the background to her new book on Cipullo, her research, discoveries and her work with Aldo’s brother, Renato Cipullo. She charts the …

The Rapaport Diamond Podcast

The editorial team takes listeners on a wild ride through the GemGenève show, Magnificent Jewels auctions, and the fancy-shape market in episode 51 of the Rapaport Diamond Podcast. Find out what pleased and disappointed Editor in Chief Sonia Esther Soltani as she reflects on her trip to Switzerland to attend GemGenève and preview the Sotheby’s …

The Rapaport Diamond Podcast

Fresh off the GemGenève show, founders Thomas Faerber and Ronny Totah join Rapaport’s Avi Krawitz to discuss the trends they saw there. In this episode of the Rapaport Diamond Podcast, the executives also talk about the role of trade fairs in general, and share their impressions of the colored-gem and antique-jewelry markets amid the recent …

La gemmologie face aux défis sociaux, environnementaux et scientifique

“Traçabilité et durabilité sont au centre des nouvelles exigences de l’horlogerie et la joaillerie.Cette table ronde offre une occasion d’examiner les aspects les plus importants de la chaîne de valeur des matières premières précieuses. Les intervenants de ce forum devraient parler des progrès réalisés, discuter des obstacles et des lacunes qui existent ainsi que des …

Precious Talk by Chaima Teisseire

Privés de salons depuis deux ans, comment GemGenève a organisé ce tournant, quelles ont été les interrogations et les approbations ?  Un retour sur le terrain ça s’organise ! Comment ont-il rassemblé de nouveau, dans quel état d’esprit sont les exposants après cette trève imposée, les visiteurs seront ils au rendez-vous ?  Cette mission c’est …